I can't take credit for this, but I heard someone say that if this raghead Sharia "mosque" opens up next to the Ground Zero, that it shoul be flanked by a Hooters' and a Marine Corps recruiting center. That, my friends, is an awesome idea.
DOUCHE BAG ALERT!: I heard that NYC's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is all for this "mosque". I shouldn't be surprised. While Ground Zero lay smouldering with the stench of death and the acrid aroma of burnt infrastructure filling the air, Bloomberg was probably safely eschonced in his padded billionaire lair trying to figure a way of profiting from the attack. Or maybe he was too busy planning his moral crusade against real enemies like salt, sugar, trans fats and litter........but wasn't the streets of Lower Manhattan littered with the debris and detritus following the attacks of 9/11? No matter, Bloomberg only cares about those litterers that are politically correct and expedient to go after.
I was surprised to read that the Anti-Defamation League came out against the mosque. Who knew this liberal Jewish could actually find its' backbone? Stay tuned to read in the New York Times next week that the ADL "mis-spoke". *Sniff. sniff, sniff*. Is that appeasement I smell? They shouldn't have......


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