Another Mouth to Feed

Meet Jack, our new Jack Russell Terrrier. Believe it or not, it was I who pushed for the dog. I wore down my wife after a 10 hour car ride. The fucking ACLU probably classifies that as torture, but screw em.
Anyway, he is a great pup. We purchased him from an Amish family in Lancaster County, PA. I almost hated taking him from the farm, because it looked like he had a good thing going there.
My girls love the dog........maybe a little too much. Kaeli has been up this dog's ass since arrival. He was so stressed out from her pestering, he was crapping out blood. I shouldn't have been surprised, Kaeli does that to people. Karen has been smothering him (remember, you can't spell smother without mother). She wants him fixed and I keep thinking "Why? Just keep emasculating him with your babying."
In other news: Cattie has rejoined soccer and says she loves it. Knowing how she hates the heat (like her Dad), I was actually surprised she did so well. Her coach is nice and, so far, has not popped up on any pedophile watch lists. I am crossing my fingers that remains the same.
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