This is a copy of an email I received from a friend of mine. Sad to say, but you don't see this on the normal news. For those of you bleeding heart leftists out there, do you really believe that Christians would be able to do this on a busy street in NYC? What are we doing???!!!!:

This is an accurate picture of every Friday afternoon in several
locations throughout NYC where there are mosques with a large
number of Muslims that cannot fit into the mosque - They fill the
surrounding streets, facing east for a couple of hours between
about 2 & 4 p.m. - Besides this one at 42nd St & Madison Ave,
There is another, even larger group, at 94th St & 3rd Ave, etc.,
Also, I presume, you are aware of the dispute over building
Another "high rise" Mosque a few blocks from "ground zero" -
With regard to that one, the "Imam" refuses to disclose where the
$110 million dollars to build it is coming from and there is a lawsuit
filed to force disclosure of that information.

This is in New York City on Madison Avenue, not in
France or the Middle East or Yemen or Kenya.

Is there a message here???? Yes, there is, and they are claiming America for Allah.
If we don't wake up soon, we are going to "politically correct" ourselves right out of our own country!

As a Nation we cannot put up a Christmas scene of the baby Jesus in
a public place, or a Menorah for Chanukah
, but the Muslims can stop normal traffic every Friday afternoon by worshiping in the streets.... Something is happening in America that is reminiscent of what is happening in Europe . This is Political Correctness
gone crazy...


  1. I think this is rediculous. I am all for relgious freedom. Like you I served my country to protect the rights of all americans to practice their own religion how ever they see fit. So I could really care less who does what when it comes to practicing their faith. That is until practicing their faith includes killing as many Americans as they can every chance they can.

    Why America is litterally going out of our way to bend over for people is beyond my comprehension. I personally believe that the muslim religion is evil. Muslim extremists have vowed to kill Americans every chance they get and they demonstrated it on 9/11 with the 2nd attack on the World Trade Center.

    How many more people have to die before America wakes up to the realization that rest of the world has known for centuries? Islam is evil. Period.

    But how do you explain that to a president with the middle name "Hussein?"

  2. I am with you Josh. I know history is replete with examples of Christians committing atrocities, but we grew out of that stage. Muslims are still living in the 8th Century.


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