The Great Disappearance!

There is something magical in the air and I am not talking about the chemtrails that push conspiracists into apoplexies of paranoia. This is true magic…..of the disappearing kind.
As I watched former New Jersey Governor, MF Global CEO and SUV crash-test dummy, Jon Corzine stare blankly at a Congressional committee of blank minds, and state, automaton-like, that he has no idea how $1.2 billion dollars vanished, I began to truly appreciate the level of professional “slight of hand” that somehow fails to appear on these practitioners resumes. Wow, another magic trick!
But this magic does not just reside with empty suits offering mercurial testimony. Oh no, it has gone viral.
Ever wonder why, despite having both parents working, the family income seems to grow in numerical terms, but not in relative value? That’s the ole classic trick of “tax with one hand-depreciate the dollar with the other”.
Frustrated trying to figure that trick out? Don’t beat yourself up too much over your inability to understand, because it may be due to another magic trick; the ‘disappearing effectiveness of educational funding’. Despite spending more per pupil than all other countries (except, for some weird reason, Norway), our academic results have steadily slipped. While a simple, amateurish parlor trick, it sets the audience up for the real mind fuck: running the only superpower with borderline retarded citizens. You will be amazed as dim bulbs in ever greater numbers trickle into positions of power with global significance!
Many magic tricks can spring up from such grand illusionary acts. For instance, the ‘porous border’ trick has turned parts of California and the southwest into lawless, Hispanic favelas in only a generation! Amazing huh?
Those in the audience who may disapprove of this trick are powerless to stop it because of, you guessed it, another magical feat: the ‘disappearing basis of law’. Don’t let the title of this act fool you, though. It is more of an obfuscating smoke and mirrors routine. By simply making certain fundamental legal rights vanish and, in their stead, replacing them with obtuse legal psycho-babble, it looks as if the impossible has become possible.
Years ago, pre-rape allegation David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear on national TV. That, however, is nothing compared to how our present statist magicians are making America itself disappear.
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