An Islamic Reformation

In reading Michael Schuerer's book Marching Toward Hell, the author broached an intriguing subject.
Those of us who have been laying the blame for the actions of radical Muslims on the doorstep of Islam have been castigated by opponents as narrow minded racists  (even though this has to do with a religion and not a race per se), Islamophobic, or seriously uneducated thus highly discriminatory.
If what Schuerer writes is true, our 'war against Islam' may not be so impractical after all.
Schuerer states that Islam, lacking a centralized authority in modern times (no Rome like leadership since the Caliphate ended in the early 20th century), Muslim populations relied on their local imams to direct them as to what was permissible in Islam.
Over time, many of these Imams became corrupted by state leaders, thus the message they were imparting to their umma was not resonating with the congregation.
It took the success of Osama bin Laden to break the followers away from the corrupt imams.
This severance did not surface sufficiently until the blossoming of the much vaunted 'Arab Spring'.
Leftists applauded what they saw as the much awaited Islamic Reformation that would be allowed to grow through the mass preference for basic freedom.
But what happened?
The Arab Spring unleashed the desires of the umma and that desire was to practice Islam as they believed it to be in its purest form.
A vast majority, a super majority at least, avowed the practicality and need for abiding by strict Islamic practices.
The centralization of Islamic leadership, long entrusted to the puppet imams of corrupt Arab regimes,  was now decentralized to the Muslim people and they unequivocally demanded radical Islam.....or true Islam as I see it.
So, for us in the West to continue on the politically correct delusion that chastising Islam for acts of terror is an egregious sin is nonsense. Polls of Muslims have repeatedly shown that they approve of what Al Qaeda and ISIS have done to us. And the greatest poll of all, elections, saw the umma sweep fire-breathing Islamists into office.
So, bearing this in mind, we can feel free to dismiss the criticism that our attacks on Islam are unfair.
We should also do away with the expectation that "moderate" Muslims need to speak up and bring their wayward kin back to the fold, because evidence is suggesting that it is the moderates who are out in the cold right now and are, if anything, the fringe element.


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