Experts as Propagandists

It appears that the lesson in humility visited upon the "experts" of political observation back in 2016 has failed to resonate with that class of pundits let alone serve as teaching moment to "experts" in other fields. Considering things rationally, it should not surprise anyone that the members of these cadres of skilled elites are increasingly falling short of their prognostications. No one should be scratching their heads as to why "experts" filled with self-inflated superiority have been deflating in spectacular fashion, for their collective failures result from the misperception that the products of scientific efforts are the tabulated and summarized results of consensual group think. Operating under the aegis of such misguidance might be excusable if it only results in the failure to predict election outcomes, public interest in an IPO, or the small spread in predicted temperatures at a certain locality. However, such short-comings become not only dangerous, but pose an existential threat when this flawed consensus fails to see such cataclysmic possibilities as burgeoning tectonic activity linked to increasing volcanic activity, risks of catastrophic asteroid/meteor collisions on earth, and the predominance of solar cycles as grand arbiter of our historic weather patterns as opposed to the laughable idea of anthropogenic catalysts. Such unmitigated close-mindedness by society's experts has crossed the Rubicon of orthodoxy and entered into the precinct of unapologetic propaganda. A few examples to show you what I am referring to. Perhaps the most illuminating one involves YouTuber dutchsinse ( Self-educated, dutchsinse has spent years successfully PREDICTING earthquakes; when they will strike, where and what intensity. For his efforts he has been vilified by the "experts", been doxed by hackers, had his videos shadow banned or outright banned and actually been SWATTED! It is beyond my understanding to even guess at why people would go to such lengths to act as the Catholic Church of old as it relates to a modern Galileo.
Another example? How about what adventuring geologist/archaeologist Graham Hancock has experienced in trying to put forth his theory that around 13,000-15,000 years ago at least one advanced civilization existed on this planet and seemingly knew about the impending end of a clock cycle (a la Douglas Vogt). In preparation, it appears that this/these civilization(s) bestowed as much as its knowledge on diverse groups of human populations through out the world as possible in the hope that something would survive the cataclysm. Hancock's extensive travels, investigations, studies and writings have been dismissed by the modern day Inquisitors, like Wikipedia, who describes Hancock as "a British writer and journalis...specialises in pseudoscientific theories involving ancient civilisations." Many in the geological and archaeological field have publicly castigated Hancock for his theories, but many have also privately told him he is on to something.
The catalyst that Hancock believes reshaped human history around 13,000 years ago involved a bombardment of asteroids that is said to have struck ice age central North America, parts of northern Eurasia (around Siberia) and other maybe the Arctic. I mention this because the lethality of such an occurrence is currently being dismissed by NASA "experts" and their media sycophants. On July 24, 2019, Live Science (a website) published an article entitled "Don't Worry About the 'Great Pyramid-Sized' Asteroid Due to Zip Past the Earth Today" ( The author of the piece of propaganda writes, "There's another reason not to worry: If you're hearing about an asteroid in the news before it approaches, that means NASA has already spotted it and has precisely tracked its path through space. The near-Earth objects (NEOs) that NASA spots and tracks like this aren't the concern; the space agency's Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) keeps an eye on them and predicts years in advance just how near-Earth they're going to get." This nonchalant dismissal of a "tiny" asteroid may leave most readers feeling assured that all is well. And it may be...this time. But in the article it is noted that NASA does not have the ability to find and track small asteroids (like the bulk of the Taurid meteor stream) and it is a swarm of relatively small asteroids/meteors that riddled Pleistocene earth and may have triggered a near total extinction.
This is just a smattering of examples that should have everyone unwilling to eagerly gulp down the spoon-fed dis/misinformation that the Inquisitors of today are trying to ram down our throats.


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