But wait, there's more!

This will just be a brief continuum from my previous post, with the still centering on experts as propagandists. I was in my local library the other day and came across a surprisingly refreshing book on the subject I had lightly expounded upon the other day. The book is called "Delusions in Science and Spirituality: The Fall of the Standard Model and the Rise of Knowledge from Unseen Worlds" and was penned by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D.
In the very beginning of her book, Martinez lays right into the dangers of the rigid grand orthodoxy plaguing the scientific and technical community. Martinez uses the term "fundamental farces", originally uttered by another scientist, to refer to this collective ignorance of the truth involving everything from "evolution, ice ages, global warming, and so on". One interesting thing that Martinez points out regarding the surge in ignorant "experts" is overspecialization. This term refers to the absurdly particular, atomic level analysis of phenomenon, a habit of research and study Martinez notes as being "the mother of isolationist orthodoxies and of insufferably technical language, as well as the progenitor of special interests, jealousies and hostility". Such protectionist attitudes go a long way in explaining (but not justifying) the hostility faced by the modern-day Galileo's. According to the author, the time may be ripe for people like dutchsinse, Graham Hancock, Doug Vogt and other 'heretics'. "Today," writes Martinez, "as we approach the denouement of our vaunted age of information (and disinformation), we're getting very close to truth time. Old paradigms, old regimes, are falling, and with them, old doctrines." Since I have been around long enough to know, I can say with a high level of certainty that those defending the orthodoxies of today do so fiercely and irrationally. As an updated example, dutchsinse is once again the target of apparent government retaliation. This time, email spam originating from an IP suspiciously close to an FBI building and a Federal Marshals center has been bombarding the account of one of dutchsinse's research assistants. Why you might ask? Dutchsinse has shown up the experts time and time again and has made bold geological predictions that have become fact. His most recent assertion is just as bold and undoubtedly has many "experts" flabbergasted.
Dutch's new target of inquiry is the mysterious loud and earth shaking booms heard throughout the United States going back as far as 2015. According to new research and theories, those booms were the audio shocks of the North American Craton in the throes of tectonic activity/movement. I have actually heard one of these booms and it was unbelievably enormous and shook the ground under my feet. The experts reply? Maybe a sonic boom but they were not sure.


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