Biting the Hand That Feeds

  What should be providing me with innumerable chances to laugh my ass off in fits of apoplectic irony, is instead another worrying sign that political correctness has run amok.
In the past few months the bastions of elite liberalism, eschonced in the ivory towers of "do what I say, not as i do", have been under assault by disgruntled students waging a search and destroy mission throughout campuses nation wide, looking for racism, real or exaggerated.
Finding "evidence" elicits cries of outrage and demands that the faculty and administration of the school crucify themselves to appease the angry mob.
While I refuse to shed a tear for these martyrs to multiculturalism,  I can't help but grow concerned thinking of what these mindless protestors will do once they finish purging academia in their great Putsch? Who will be next?


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