
Showing posts from 2019

But wait, there's more!

This will just be a brief continuum from my previous post, with the still centering on experts as propagandists. I was in my local library the other day and came across a surprisingly refreshing book on the subject I had lightly expounded upon the other day. The book is called "Delusions in Science and Spirituality: The Fall of the Standard Model and the Rise of Knowledge from Unseen Worlds" and was penned by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D. In the very beginning of her book, Martinez lays right into the dangers of the rigid grand orthodoxy plaguing the scientific and technical community. Martinez uses the term "fundamental farces", originally uttered by another scientist, to refer to this collective ignorance of the truth involving everything from "evolution, ice ages, global warming, and so on". One interesting thing that Martinez points out regarding the surge in ignorant "experts" is overspecialization. This term refers to the absurdly particul...

Experts as Propagandists

It appears that the lesson in humility visited upon the "experts" of political observation back in 2016 has failed to resonate with that class of pundits let alone serve as teaching moment to "experts" in other fields. Considering things rationally, it should not surprise anyone that the members of these cadres of skilled elites are increasingly falling short of their prognostications. No one should be scratching their heads as to why "experts" filled with self-inflated superiority have been deflating in spectacular fashion, for their collective failures result from the misperception that the products of scientific efforts are the tabulated and summarized results of consensual group think. Operating under the aegis of such misguidance might be excusable if it only results in the failure to predict election outcomes, public interest in an IPO, or the small spread in predicted temperatures at a certain locality. However, such short-comings become not onl...